Computational Paleophysiology


Computational Paleophysiology offers students an opportunity for networking with world renowned experts in paleontology, comparative physiology, and computational biology.  For questions contact the coordinating instructor, CG Farmer at cg.frmr at

CG Farmer, Head Instructor and Coordinator

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Utah

Randall Irmis

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah

Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Utah

James Kirkland

State Paleontologist

Adjunct Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah

Robert Cieri

Graduate Student, Department of Biology, University of Utah

Jeremy Klingler

Graduate Student, Department of Biology, University of Utah

Visiting Researcher, Department of Biology, University of Utah

Jesse Pruitt

Paleontologist and Specialist in Scanner Technologies

Idaho Virtualization Laboratory