The role of lizard lungs in evolutionary biology
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Large vs. tiny vascular channels in tetrapods
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| American Museum of Natural History: Dinosaurs Among Us Exhibit Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192
| Slate: Wild Things Blog Jason Bittel Nov 17, 2015 10:15AM
| Science News 2015 Slow, cold reptile may breathe like energetic birds"
Live Science 2013 "Monitor lizards breathe by taking in air that flows through the lungs in a one-way loop -- a pattern of breathing that may have originated 270 million years ago in the ancestral group that gace rise to dinosaurs, and eventually alligators and birds, a new study finds."
| Science360 News Service | National Science Foundation "The Mystery of Lizard Breath" |
| National Geographic "Lizard has one-way breathing; hints at how dinoasurs breathed"
 APF Romeo Gacad
| AFP 2013 "Air flows through lizard lungs in one direction, a finding that may prompt a rethink about how some species evolved following Earth's biggest mass extinction, a study said on Wednesday."
| Spiegel Online 2013 "In birds and crocodiles oxygen flows in a kind of loop through the lungs. Now biologists have demonstrated such a breathing in lizards. THe technique could have originated 270 million years ago, the researchers suggest." |
| The Salt Lake Tribune 2013 "University of Utah study looks at why lizard lungs work like those of birds" |
| NEP: The Origins of Disease C.G. Farmer's work on coronary areries is featured in this documentary.
| C.G. Farmer 2011 Seminars in Zoophysiology at Aarthus University |
| 2010 Eliason, Erika J. "Alligators, like birds, breathe one way only" Outside JEB: 213: doi:10.1242/jeb.036558
| Telegraph 2010
"Alligators breathe like birds due to a dinosaur ancestor they share in common, scientists have discovered."
| Gators Dive With Flexible Air Tanks : Powell 2008 (314)_ 2 ScienceNOW "A swimming alligator is an eerily quiet creature.
The predator barely seems to twitch a muscle as it
twists, turns, and glides toward its prey. This
graceful movement may be guided by a rudder
buried deep inside the reptile: flexible lungs that
allow the gator to navigate by tipping its weight
like a seesaw."
| "Gotta Have Heart: Crocodilians Bypass Their Lungs To Improve Digestion"
"Crocodiles are among nature's most fearsome predators. When the opportunity arises, crocodilians will gorge, voluntarily consuming meals weighing 23% of their own body weight. This is analogous to a 130-pound woman eating, at one sitting, a hamburger weighing 30 pounds. New research on American alligators' circulation systems finds that crocodilians bypass their lungs to improve digestion." University of Chicago Press Journals. "Gotta Have Heart: Crocodilians Bypass Their Lungs To Improve Digestion." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 February 2008. |
| 2006 Science News 170(17): 260-261
"Quirky Cardiology: Crocs' hearts may aid in their digestion" by Ben Harder |
| Natural History Magazine April 2000 "The Hidden Unity of Hearts" by Carl Zimmer |
| Brainerd 1997 "The blood circulation systems of certain air-breathing fishes and most
reptiles appear to be primitive and inefficient. But there may well be
good reason that they are designed the way they are, and the principles
concerned could inform clinicians who treat heart disease."